ALIGN XR: ICE Challenge

Master the Metaverse

BLANK XR is proud to announce the impending launch of the ALIGN XR ICE Challenge, a thrilling 6-week program set for lift-off on 22.02.22. We’re inviting ambitious investors, creatives, and entrepreneurs to get on board on the ground floor and soar into the stratosphere with us as we race towards the boundless possibilities of the Metaverse – together.

Are you strapped in and ready for blast-off?

What Can You Expect?

The new world is in sight. It’s so close, we can taste it – and with the right education and insight, you can cross the bridge ready to propel your brand into a future that doesn’t even exist yet. You’ll understand everything there is to know about the XR universe so that you can make the shift to not just a business, but a futureproof brand that’s always on the cutting-edge of technology. Walk away with a clearly defined and refined XR strategy – validated in line with your goals – so you can confidently implement your vision for 2022 and beyond!

We are a selective XR agency. We help investors, entrepreneurs, and creators get the most out of frontier technologies. We’re not for everyone, and not everyone is for us. We’re here for the game-changers, the one’s unafraid to be different, to leave a lasting mark, to do more. If that sounds like you, get in touch; we’d love to hear from you!